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Solution: Github “Please tell me who you are” error

Today i come with quick solution of issue when trying to commit file to github. Now I am using git for version control and allow you to save copies of code to there,till now i was using SVN and tortoisesvn for committing a my wordpress plugins which you can find here. I also have a public repository of my own on GitHub for my module in Joomla. I am unable to commit to git, I get '**Please tell me who you are' everytime. git commit -m "resolved #1 testing of commit with message and issue id" phpinfo.php When try to commit file to github ,got following error message.After i search in google ,found that the problem I had that need to pass my email addresses for different Git repositories. *** Please tell me who you are. Run git config --global "" git config --global "Your Name" to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository. fatal: empty ident not allowed The solutions I found to this problem is i have Run following command to set my user and email git config --global "" git config --global "Bhumi Shah" and this solved my problem. And that’s about it for the

Today I come with the quick solution of an issue when trying to commit the file to GitHub. Now I am using git for version control and allow you to save copies of the code to there, till now I was using SVN and TortoiseSVN for committing my WordPress plugins which you can find here.

I also have a public repository of my own on GitHub for my module in Joomla.

I am unable to commit to git, I get ‘**Please tell me who you are’ every-time.

When try to commit the file to GitHub, got following error message.After I search in google, found that the problem I had that needs to pass my email addresses for different Git repositories.

The solutions I found to this problem is I have Run the following command to set my user and email

and this solved my problem.Hope this article helpful to someone.

Comments (12)

  1. Thanks Bhumi for this great post. I am searching for the same finally got it at “Creativedev”. Really nice blog.

  2. Thank you so much Bhumi.

  3. Thank You so much Bhumi…You saved my time

  4. anis ahmed nacer says:

    Thank you very much

  5. Thank you so much!! It is a great post !!

  6. Thanks alot Bhumi Shah 🙂

  7. That worked well. thanks.

  8. am still struggling and been able to commit my data,m still getting the same thing again n again

    loking forwad for any help

  9. Neeraj Singh says:

    Thanks Bhumi….

  10. Thanks you so much for help. Thanks alot

  11. Gurunath Kudure says:

    Thank You So much Bhumi

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