About TheCreativeDev


Welcome to TheCreativeDev – A blog for techgeeks, developers, programmers with all kind of technical tutorials.

TheCreativeDev is founded to share the simple and powerful idea. TheCreativeDev is focused upon providing solutions for all stages of PHP development. TheCreativeDev is a programming blog maintained by Bhumi Shah. This site is all about to spread my coding knowledge to the others rather than being selfish and keeping it all to myself.I don’t say that I am expert, I am self-taught and expect I still have a lot to learn.However, whatever I know I like I can put to good use.Here I am going to share more about TheCreativedev.

There are many resources on the internet on the similar topic, but TheCreativeDev is better or can say different because it does not contain only about things that are popular, but on topics that are not well known in the community but they will help you in web development in the first place. TheCreativeDev also provides an articles source code ready to use which you just copy & paste it.

This might just help someone out there who might have encountered the same thing.

Here on TheCreativedev blog, You can find various technical solution and articles on the PHP, Mysql, JavaScript and on the CMS and E-Commerce platforms like Magento, Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress.

If you have any question regarding TheCreativedev or you would like to discuss anything regarding php development then you can contact us.

TheCreativedev always tries best to provide a bug free content and working solution but still there are chances of the mistake as we are a human being. So please Contact Us if you found any problem in any of the article written here. Also, You can contact us to know more about TheCreativeDev

Also, You can see some of the important links where TheCreativeDev got published:

1. Top 10 Women Tech Bloggers In India

Tech, Set, Go! 10 Women Tech Bloggers In India With Answers For All Your Tech Problems

2. About Founder

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