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Best Magento Tips: How to Increase Online Store Sales

Best Magento Tips: How to Increase Online Store Sales

Ecommerce industry is expanding every year excessively, with huge number of online stores functioning exclusively on Magento which is one of the largest ecommerce platforms in the whole world. In order to stay at the top in this hugely competitive market, online retailers are countering tough fight among their competitors, though selecting the best platform that provides superb features and functionality.

Besides designing and constructing your online store, launching, advertising, optimizing, it is very important to drive as much traffic as possible towards your website so that they can buy more of your products, and your online store sales also increase at excessive scale. You may have to face continuous testing while optimizing your online store, but you can certainly achieve better improvements in sale increase with passing of time. We’ve shared few of the 10 best Magento tips you follow that will help you in enhancing your online store sales superbly.

1. Keep Your Online Store Site Simple: You should note that messy websites do not sell much of their products. So your sites should be crafted in a simple way for them to explore into your pages easily, and further make up their minds to purchase your products. The design of the page too should be simple, and the item numbers should be limited that should be exhibited on one page or on few pages. This can give way to more sale results.

2. Write Convincing Copy: You should write a really convincing copy regarding your product description so that your customers can understand well, get attracted and also be interested into buying them. You can also add one-line headline under the appealing products displayed on the site. Features of the products should be mentioned specifically along with the prices.

3. Discounts and Offers: Your customers always love discounts when you offer them on your online store site as they always get enticed by them that push them to buy more number of your products. You can utilize scratch-and-win tickets; provide discounts and exciting offers in between seasons, especially during Christmas; a game winner discount coupons for engaging your users; or any holiday season discounts. You can even fascinate more customers and increase vast sales by free gift rapping services in colorful wrappers.

4. Build A Community: When you are having an online store, you should have a newsletter, a voice on Facebook and Twitter, and share wonderful and colorful images and videos of your products via Instagram that will help many users to visit your sites through computer and mobile devices. Thus you need to maintain loyalty with your customers to draw more people towards your platform.

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5. Reduce on Steps on Purchase: While finalizing any product, you do not need to add too many pages that may take too much time for your customers to cross in order to finalize their buying. You should not add numerous confirmation pages for them if you really want that they should shop only from your site. Thus every step that is mentioned in the checkout procedure is yet another opportunity to change their mind quickly. Your online store site should implement its 1 or 2-Click checkouts that allow your customers to search and find it, and further purchase it by not going through too much checkout procedures.

6. Optimize Websites for Mobiles: With a quick expansion of tablets and smartphones in these last two years, people are mostly using them for shopping online, rather than using desktops. It will be an excellent move to optimize your online store website for the mobiles. You can thus grab more number of customers who are accessing your ecommerce website through their mobile devices, and also there will be an increase in your revenue from customers on their smartphones.

7. Colors of Buy Button: Colors can create a huge difference whether your customers click on the buy button or they do not. When you change the color from red to green, you can observe progressive click throughout and thus sales too will increase. You can test colors with the help of A/B testing and even view what can execute better for your website.

8. Security Badges: The online retailers should be aware of the fact that trust and credibility are crucial to persuade their shoppers to go for their site shopping only. Hence you should position the security badge at the beginning of buying procedure, instead of checkout time. This will help you greatly in uplifting your sales.

9. Abandoned Cart Emails: With vigorous competitions among retail websites and online shoppers coming across quite many disruptions, almost 70 per cent shopping carts have been dumped. Thus when a reminder email is being sent to abandoning the shoppers, the sales improves and there is a huge boost in percentage. Even the clients are not being interrupted at the time of shopping online, and you see a positive approach in sales.

10. Free Shipping or Delivery: There can be a quick increase in your sales if you provide free delivery of products from your site. This will put a high impression on your customers that their purchased products are delivered within few days at their doorstep without any problem. They will trust your site more and continue shopping very month. Better increase in sales percentage can definitely take your site from ordinary to extraordinary stage.

Hence, keep a check on your online store sales by sticking to the above Magento tips that can assist you raising your business to a great level, and benefiting you tremendously. The more the increase in sale percentage, the better you can see your business succeed!

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