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Drupal Tutorial for Beginners

Drupal Basic Explained

When I heard Drupal, First thing comes in the mind is content management system.

so First of all, let me explain about content management systems.

Let’s start with one example like you have a website and certainly you want to make changes for any security purpose or any other reason than you need to think that for how many pages you manually need to do this tedious stuff.

And after getting tired you will call one of your friends who is so much good at website stuff to help you. But with the help of CMS you can do that in just a few minutes. This thing applies to the people who are not very much technically sound.

There are hundreds of CMSs are available in the market, but Drupal has some advantages that make it growing in the web development. Some of them which I thought are listed below:

  1. It's a open source and free 😉 !!
  2. Thousands of modules are easily available in web and developer can easily integrate them in their website.You need less customization.
  3. Other thing that I personally feels make drupal on of the best CMS is their support provides you help if you do get stuck anywhere.
  4. Easy to use. Very much user friendly. Fully flexible and extensible.

And most important thing, If you are dealing with the simple website that you do not need to be a PHP developer. Even the person who does not know anything about PHP can build a great website using Drupal.

There are certain questions that come in my mind when I thought that what drupal can do for me? And the answer is given below:

  1. Create a blog rather a nice blog than with any other CMS.
  2. Give your website a new theme/layout in very much easy way.
  3. Create user profile in efficient way.
  4. Can add games on your site in very simplest way.
  5. Use Event Calendar.
  6. Great Searching functionality.

And this is not the end of drupal power. You can do lots and lots of other things with it.

This was the basic explanation about Drupal.In Next article, I will explain you about the “Ways to change template structure in Drupal 6

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Comments (9)

  1. […] we have seen “Drupal Basics“.In this article I am going to cover Two ways to change page template in Drupal […]

  2. thanx…

  3. great!
    thanks a lot, exactly what i needed!!!

  4. Rahul Chourasiya says:

    help full

  5. please mail this code in a zip file

  6. its so easy

  7. Very good article. Thank you and keep posting 🙂

    – S Ghosh
    HTML5 Tutorial

  8. I just started studying Codeigniter, This is a nice post.. Thank you…

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