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TAB display issue in Joomla Community Builder

TAB display issue in Community Builder

Joomla is a content management system and for developing community site and blog,Joomla is used.Here is the quick article which is to share one about Tab display issue in community Builder of Joomla so it maybe this helps someone.

Today one of my colleagues was facing one issue in Joomla. The issue is trying to create one new tab in community builder which display in the profile page.Tab was created successfully from backend by following steps in Tab Management Menu but it is not displaying in the frontend.

He tried a lot to display tab in frontend but he was getting failed so after that he asked me that to check “why tab is not displaying in front end” and I just told him give me some mins to check and I found that he is only creating a tab, but he is not adding any field for that so tab is not displaying in front end.


I have followed steps and tab were displaying in front end:

Create a new tab in Tab Management with the title name My Product.

Tab Display community builder

After creating the tab, Create field from Field Management with using the newly created “My Product” tab.

Tab selection community builder

That’s it!

Also Read:
Browser Detection with Joomla
Template Parameter in Joomla
How to add child product in VirtueMart

Most Important and remember part is to create a field for newly created Tab otherwise tab will not be displayed in frontend and he forgets to create “Field” for newly created tab that’s why Tab is not displaying in front end.

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