Employee recognition is an increasingly important management requirement in the workplace, with a number of research studies showing the importance of staff engagement and appreciating employees for their daily positive contributions to the team. One such study, carried out by social network giant LinkedIn, uncovered just how important employee recognition of this type is.
The study, which surveyed 450 full time employees, found that 58% were likely to have a better attitude at work if management appreciated their everyday working achievements. 45% said they would be better motivated to do their job, and 32% they would actually be more likely to stay with their employer and not seek out work elsewhere. Importantly, 37% of those under 40 asked said they actually left a role because they felt under-appreciated for their regular input. Managers who are good at appreciating their staff’s efforts tend to be first class ‘noticers’ and have the awareness to recognise who is making a positive contribution on a regular basis. Below are 10 things that this type of manager looks to notice in the workplace.