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Tips to Choose Your Next WordPress Theme

Tips to Help Choose Your Next WordPress Theme

In this guest post by Anny,you will get tips to Help Choose Your Next WordPress Theme

WordPress templates can make it fast and simple to get a new site up and running. Whether you are building a site for your business, or you are creating a site for your own personal blogging needs, having the right theme is essential. However, it is about more than merely choosing the one that “looks nice” for your site. You have to consider a number of different factors when you are sorting through the different options out there. In this article, we will look at the different factors that you have to consider when hunting down the perfect theme. Knowing what you need to watch for should make getting the right theme much easier for you.

Free or Premium

Those who are on a budget might believe that a free theme is going to be the best choice. However, you have to consider some of the limitations and drawbacks of the free themes. In many cases, they just aren’t as robust when it comes to features. Other times, you might have a theme that has no support, or that does not work properly. This will lead to more headaches. Your best option is to sort through all of the themes that you really like and then choose one of the premium themes that do come with support of some type if you need help with it. You can find a number of high quality themes for the WordPress platform that are still very cost effective.

How Functional is the Theme?

When looking for your theme, you should also make sure that you find something that is going to be able to offer the functionality that you want now as well as in the future. Look at the various features and options that the theme has. Even though you might not want to have ads on your site right now, the future might change that. If you have a theme that doesn’t allow for ads, you would have to change your entire theme and site design just to have that capability. Finding a theme that has functions and features that you need down the line can be helpful.

A Good Design and Layout

Aesthetics are still very important, so you want to make sure that you have a theme that you like the looks of, and that has a layout that is friendly and easy to use for your visitors. You want to make sure that the navigation system on your theme is something that people will understand how to use. Having a unique looking site with an attractive design is great. However, if your visitors can’t make heads or tails of where to go on your site to get to the pages they need, they are going feel the frustration levels rise quite a bit.

Most of the time, you will find that changing the color of the site is not going to be difficult. You can change the font in many cases as well. Always take the time to read the documentation on the themes that interest you so you know what capabilities they have when it comes to the little design elements that you desire for your site.

One of the other things that you might want to do is look at some other sites that are utilizing the same theme, or a similar theme. Look to see what they were able to do with the theme and see if the site is similar to what you envision. You do not want to copy another site, but knowing what the possibilities are can help with your own design.

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it.

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About author

Anny Solway is a dedicated writer at ThemeFuse – a web studio that creates original WordPress themes, that can be used out of the box. She loves to share blogging and technology tips.

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